Kevin Lyttle: The Caribbean Star Behind "Turn Me On

 Kevin Lyttle, born on September 14, 1976, in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, is a famous Caribbean musician known for his catchy soca songs. His journey from a local singer to an international star is truly inspiring.

Early Life and Start in Music

Kevin Lyttle, whose full name is Lescott Kevin Lyttle Coombs, grew up surrounded by the rich musical culture of the Caribbean. He loved music from a young age, taking part in local talent shows and practicing his singing. His big break came with the release of "Turn Me On," which made him famous worldwide.

The Hit Song "Turn Me On"

"Turn Me On" is one of the best songs by Kevin Lyttle. Released in 2003, this song's catchy tune and Kevin's smooth voice quickly made it a global hit. It topped the charts in many countries and made Kevin Lyttle a well-known name in music.

Kevin Lyttle's Popular Songs and Albums

Kevin Lyttle's music mixes soca, reggae, and dancehall styles. Over the years, he has released several hits and albums. Some of his most popular songs include:

1. “Turn Me On"- The hit that made him famous.

2. "Drive Me Crazy" - A follow-up song that fans loved.

3. "Last Drop" - Another popular track.

4. "Dance with Me" - A collaboration with Trey Songz.

Kevin Lyttle's first album, Kevin Lyttle (2004), includes many upbeat songs and romantic ballads. His music can be found on platforms like Apple Music, where fans can enjoy all his albums and songs.

Kevin Lyttle's Life and Family

Kevin Lyttle is now 47 years old and still active in the music industry. He is known for his passion for music and his ability to keep up with new trends. Kevin is also a family man, often sharing moments with his loved ones on social media.

Listening to Kevin Lyttle's Music

Fans can Listen to all Kevin Lyttle Songs and Tracks online for free on various platforms. From streaming services like Apple Music to free music download sites, his music is easy to find. His official website and social media pages also provide updates on new releases and projects.

Giving Back: The Janice Lyttle Foundation

Kevin Lyttle is also known for his charitable work. He started the Janice Lyttle Foundation, named after his late mother, to support various causes, especially in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Through this foundation, Kevin helps his community and shows his generosity.


Kevin Lyttle's rise from a small Caribbean island to international fame is a story of talent and hard work. His hit songs like "Turn Me On" have made a lasting impact on the music world. Whether you're a longtime fan or new to his music, Kevin Lyttle's Songs offer a lively and soulful experience that captures the spirit of the Caribbean.

To enjoy his music, you can download Kevin Lyttle's songs and albums or stream them online. Kevin Lyttle continues to be a beloved figure in music, and his legacy keeps growing.


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